Pictures of CheatersPictures of Cheaters                                                                                     
 The reason why men cheat is an age old question and can be varied. All main know cheating is wrong but they can't just let go of it like its their birth right or something......

Bellow are some of the reasons why men cheat. Enjoy 

They have grown out of love; most men cheat because they are no more in love with their spouse and do not know how to go about it. They are bored and tired of the relationship mostly because the woman has changed and she is no longer the woman they met and fell in love with. Most men are still married to their wife because they have to, and sometimes for the sake of their children.
 They are no longer attracted to their partner [sexually]; some men cheat because they no longer see their spouse as beautiful. Their partner is no longer as beautiful, sexy and irresistible as they were when they started the relationship. 

They want to get revenge; some men cheat because their spouse has once cheated on them and they feel it’s the only way to get back at them.

They got away with it the last time; women have big hearts, so they forgive easily. Most men take advantages of this fact, knowing that their spouse will forgive them again and again when they get caught. All they have to do is say sorry.

They can’t resist sex; almost all men can’t resist sex, and when the opportunity comes, they just fall.

They can’t commit; somemenfind it difficult to stay in a relationship with only one person, maybe because of what has happened to them in the past, and they don’t want to have their heart broken again, but they just cant.

 It’s challenging and exciting
If you consider the women you sleep with “sexual trophies,” chances are you have already cheated at least once in your life. Some men simply cannot leave behind the thrill of the hunt, the chase and the conquest. For other men, the excitement is in the variety, like changing ice cream flavors for one day after years of sticking to just one.

 You can get away with it
“What eyes don’t see, the heart doesn’t feel,” goes the old adage, and it still holds true, as long as there are no cameras around. The knowledge that no one will find out and no one will get hurt is reason enough for some men to grab a different helping. But be careful; as men get craftier with avoiding detection, women get more sophisticated with detecting, not to mention boosting their network of spies.

 If your relationship is not working well and distance has cropped up between the two of you, then it is likely a reason for a man to cheat. Your man can find another woman who seems to be more interesting and shares common interests.

Nagging Partner
If you are argumentative or a big criticizer and criticize on your man every moment, then there are chances that your man would look out for a better option and cheat on you.

If you have forgiven your man in the past for cheating on you, then he might develop the tendency of cheating again because they would know if they plead, you are likely to forgive him.

  Men keep looking for changes. They always want to try something that is new and would give them a thrill. If they find an attractive woman, they might give a try and cheat on you.

Friend Factor
Men cheat because of peer pressure, some friends go as far as arranging girls for their friends even when they know their partners.



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