"You are what you choose to see yourself as, and not what and who people say you are" my experience....... I grew up with the awareness that my eye balls were not the same size with other people's eyeballs. Mine was way more bigger and because of this, some of my friends made fun of me (as you would expect). It made them feel good but since I was the one at the recieving end, i always felt very bad and always wished I had a different appearance. "The first step to being happy is accepting yourself for who you are and loving yourself" looking inside the mirror one beautiful morning when i was in my senior year, i said to myself: Moyo, you were beautifully and wounderfully made, you are God's own image so why listen to what the world says? it applies to you......... We are in a world where people will always condemn, make fun of you and never see or say anything good about you........from your size, to your height....... from the shape of...